Monday 9 February 2009

Double Page Spread Interview DRAFT ONE


Tuesday morning, 10am and our interviewer Lisa prepares to meet Melita, the self professed “It Girl” of Tinseltown right now. As she walks in we are expecting a stick-thin, plastic and heavy made-up diva to walk in, but were utterly surprised when the total opposite arrives at the studio.  Wearing a comfy hoodie, plain jeans and flip flops with minimal make-up, we were all astonished when Melita walked in. Greeting staff on arrival with hugs and kisses she is a far cry from her video persona. After greeting Lisa and raving about how much she loves London, Melita finally sits down and the interview commences….


Hello Melita! It’s great to finally meet you.

Hi, Its great to meet you too. I‘m so excited to

be here and to be in London. The last time I

 was here was for a video with snoop[Dogg]

and i absolutely loved it. 


Yes. Snopp Dogg, Jay Z, Britney,

Christina, Pharell, Lil’ Wayne. The amount

of high profile music videos that you have

featured in is endless.

(Laughs) Well, I have had the privelidge of

working with  many artists. I have been very

lucky in my career so far.


We also hear that you are set to be in the

“King of Pop” himself, Micheal Jackson’s next

video! Is this true?

(Laughs) i havent even heard that rumour yet!

(Laughs) But as far as I know. Nothing has been



It’s true you are very popular amongst the

male musicians of the industry, and have been

handpicked for many of their videos. So has

anything ever happened romantically between

 you and any of them?

No. Never. When I am om set for a video it is strictly

business and nothing more.


But don’t you ever feel tempted; you must admit

some of these guys are very hot.

Well yes i must admitt that some of them are pretty

hot (giggles) but when Im on a job its strictly

business (smiles).


That leads us to my next question. It is very

apparent that you have made a good living out

of this career. So we must ask, how much have

you actually earned over the course of your

wholesome career so far?

Ooh, you cant ask me that (Laughs).


Not even an estimate?

Well, to be honest i dont really know. I have never

actually conted it all. I’d have to speak to my

Accountant (smiles).

Ok, ok, we will let that one slide. Now tell us

about some of the advantages of being a top

MVG (Music Video Girl)?

Well there are a lot of priviledges I must admitt.

You get to travel the world, meet great new people,

make good money and even though it can be

hardwork. it is fun.


Wow your life sounds fantastic.

(Smiles) Well at the moment i really cant complain.


We hear that you are looking to expand your

global domination even further.

Yes. Erm, I have quite a bit of business ventures

going on at the moment. I’m in the process of writing

 a book, which I am very excited about. I also have a

line of lingere coming out named “sweet candy”

and I will be starring in my own reality show for

E! Entertainment.


Wow, your one busy woman.

I know! But i absolutely adore my job so it’s

not a problem. (Smiles)


Would you ever consider actually becoming an

artist yourself? Releasing a single maybe?

Oh wow.  Ironically I’v never even thought about

 that even considering how I am so involved in the

industry. Wow (looks a bit puzzled) that’s a good

question (both laugh)


Have you got any other talents that we do not

know of?

Hmmm..well i can  touch my toes on the back of

my head. If you’d call that a talent!


Wow, that sounds interesting.

(Laughs)Trust me,  It’s really not. It’s actually kinda weird.


You have also been romantically linked to

basketball player Sirone Fisher. Care to comment?

He’s one of the 50 guys im supposedly dating! All I have

to say is that yes, I have met him and yes we are friends.


So your not going to tell us anything. Not even

one little thing.

 I dont really like to comment on my

personal life really. It’s better that way.


Ok Fair enough. So how did you actually get into

the MVG scene to begin with?


So finally, what advice would you give to young

women looking to break into the industry?


Well thank you for the interview

it’s been a pleasure meetung you.

Like wise, thank you for having me. Its been fun.


Melita is currently in the process of releasing a

book entitled “Life behind the music” which will

be released on the 24th May 2008.