Thursday 22 January 2009

Exploring different Typefaces for my Double Page spread

Bellow are variation of fonts which I have found through research and internet searching.

One of these titles will be used on the cover of my double page spread and I would like help from readers of my blog, on deciding which heading to use.






Double Page Spread Mock-up

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Saturday 3 January 2009

Final Magazine Front Cover

I looked at my front cover again and decided that there were many improvements to be made.

I decided that the red theme of the logo & text did not fit well with the edited cover image so I decided to change the entire colour scheme of the front cover, so that it fitted more appropiately with the photoshopped cover image.

The cover is below & after I had finished it I decided that it would be my final magazine cover.

Contents Page (Drafts)

Contents page draft 3

Contents Draft 2

Contents Page Draft 1

Contents Page Mock-up