Wednesday 7 January 2009

Final Contents Page


  1. Hi Ayshia,

    Firstly well done, I'm seeing some fantastic work here. The contents page is coming along nicely. The layout of this page is excellent. I particularly like the design of the boxes. Some tips for you:
    - where are your page numbers? The contents page should instruct the reader where they can find the articles they want to read.
    - The page itself should have a number in the bottom right hand corner. This will be page 3.
    - There are many different fonts and sizes on the page which makes it look quite untidy. I would consider making the image of Alessandra much larger and only using a snappy anchorage to go with it - you don't need to give so much information on the contents page.
    - All images must be original

  2. Current grade for contents page:
    L3 36/60


Thank You for taking the time to comment on my work. It's very useful to me so again, thanks.
