Saturday 3 January 2009

Final Magazine Front Cover

I looked at my front cover again and decided that there were many improvements to be made.

I decided that the red theme of the logo & text did not fit well with the edited cover image so I decided to change the entire colour scheme of the front cover, so that it fitted more appropiately with the photoshopped cover image.

The cover is below & after I had finished it I decided that it would be my final magazine cover.


  1. Hi Ayshia, overall this is an excellent production. The image has been edited beautifully, she looks like a real star!
    Some tips:
    - This is supposed to be a new magazine. Think about your slogan at the top of the page. How do you know it's the fastest growing magazine?!
    - 'Melita' text looks really good. Can you find a way to make it really jump off the page?
    - The information on the left of the page is quite dark and difficult to read. Can you find a way to make it easier to read?

  2. Current grade for front cover production:
    L4 50/60


Thank You for taking the time to comment on my work. It's very useful to me so again, thanks.
