Saturday 13 December 2008

Comparing "Clash Magazine" Contents Page to "Kerrang Magazine" contents Page

Clash magazine is a bi-monthly magazine which is aimed at 18-26 year old city slickers who enjoy live alternative music from a range of genre (e.g. rock, dance, hip-hop). It is very different to the contents page of Kerrang as it is extremely plain and has not many images at all. There is one main image on the page and only 3 additional images that go along with the contents, whereas in Kerrang, there are many images to grab the reader’s attention. The style of the page is well suited to its older target audience as it is plain, easy to read and is not over-produced with jubilant text, fonts, headings and images etc.

The layout of the page resembles the back of a CD cover in terms of the way the writing and images are placed. It is all listed neatly into columns for easy access and is easy on the eye. Also the central image is quite reminiscent of Jesus because of the pose. He is holding his arms, shoulder width apart and they are turned up to the sky and he is also looking upwards. This is very ironic as the man in the image fits the profile of the Jesus that is portrayed to the world, a white male with long brown hair and ample beard. This is a very significant fact as this is the main image on the contents and it is linked to Christianity and because of the mature readership they will notice this.

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