Wednesday 10 December 2008

Analysis Of "NME" Magazine Front Cover

NME (New Music Experience) is a niche music magazine and from the front cover this is very evident. This shows readers that there will be information about new bands and new music being delivered very fast to people who will to read the magazine.

From looking at the front cover I can tell that inside the magazine there will be a lot about bands because there are four bands on the cover. Most of the issues in the magazine will be to do with the latest/up and coming musicians, as it is a music magazine of this nature.

The target audience of this particular magazine are young people who are interested in new up and coming rock/indie musicians & bands such as Kaiser Chiefs and the Arctic Monkeys who are featured on this particular cover. White males in particular. I can tell this because in one of the puffs on the page (the left hand bottom corner) it is featuring a new band and telling readers that it is their very first interview. And all the puffs are about white males who are in the UK music industry. The magazine is looking to attract readers who are into this “underground” scene of British music and who enjoy going to gigs and festivals to see these musicians perform. The images around the page present these bands as live performers.

The cover image features the Arctic monkeys and the way in which they are addressing the audience is quite friendly & approachable. The lead singer is looking straight at readers (direct mode of address) and the rest of the band look quite laid back and are smiling. This shows that they want the readers to like them and they want a warm and blissful connection with their fans and readers of the magazine. This may be due to the fact that the Artic Monkeys found fame from Myspace so they do have a dose relationship with their fans. Also the picture of the band is in black and white which is associated with the past. This could be interpreted as the magazine trying to show that the band have almost become classic and are like the great bands of the past years.

As I mentioned before the name of the band on the cover are The Arctic Monkeys. I think that the magazine editor chose to have them on the front cover because they represent what NME is about down to every last inch. They were new and up and coming on the scene until now. Now they are well known and quite a successful indie/rock band in the UK. They appeal to the target audience who buy this magazine and by having them on the cover it could also boost sales as they are the band that everyone wants to read/ know about at the moment.

The anchorage text on the cover says: What the world’s been waiting for...ARCTIC MONKEYS…it’s all kicking right off!”

This proves the point I made earlier about the magazine editors believing that the Arctic Monkeys are the “next big thing” they are “what the world’s been waiting for”. They believe the band will help boost sales which is one of the most important things that the editor has to worry about when choosing who to put on the cover. Also this tells us that the group are highly regarded amongst people in this scene of music and interests. It shows that they are at the top of their game.

The message that the band are sending out is a message of warmth and kindness. They are connecting with readers although they are not all addressing them directly because of their laid-back attitude and the smiles on their faces this message is still being projected.

In this magazine a certain group of people are being represented. A group of people who are interested in rock/indie music more specifically white males. The magazine represents them as glad and laid-back and are showing them in a positive light.

There is buzz word on this cover which is “kicking off” which makes the band sound more exciting and adds a sense of danger. There are not many buzz words on this page and the one that I found is not that noticeable such as more common buzz words like: “new” or “exclusive”. I think they have chosen not to use the more common buzz words because they want to be seen as different and unique compared to other magazines and also because they do not want to draw attention away from the main feature of the cover which of course are the band.

The title of the magazine is written in bold and is does not really blend in with the rest of the font and text on the cover. It stands out. This shows that they want the title to be noticed by readers and even though there is a cover image to be focused on the title is still very important. Also the colour red shows vibrancy and again can also represent danger which gives the magazine an edge. This links to the readership of the magazine, people who are edgy, vibrant and unique. Also NME started as more of a music newspaper and has only become more glossy in recent years and the word “Express” suggests that it is a newspaper. Also the acronym ‘NME’ or enemy can be viewed as the magazine trying to say that they are the enemy of mainstream magazines.

There are puffs on the front cover and they are all involving male white musicians who are the target audience of this particular magazine. They suggest the magazine with be solely about music and industry events.

On the front cover a wide range of colours are used but pink is the main colour that is noticeable. This is unusual because of the fact that the target audience for the magazine are young, white, males. But this also shows that the magazine might have done this to maybe attract people who are from other backgrounds and females aswell. All the colours on the cover are quite vibrant, lively and are quite pleasing to most people. All the fonts used are bold and again this shows vibrance and energy.

The magazine uses phrases such as “their first interview” and “backstage at the UK’s hottest tour” to help attract readers. Doing this makes readers feel that they are getting inside information. The latest news and can really help to attract more readers.

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