Thursday 11 December 2008

Preliminary Task: College Magazine Contents Page

This is the contents page of my college magazine & preliminary task entitled “College Confidential”. When creating this contents page I tried to follow as many magazine conventions as possible.

I placed the heading of the magazine at the top as I have resrached and have found that most titles are on the top and are noticeable. I have also listed the other features of the magaizne and the page numbers also, which are both magazine conventions. There is an image on the page along with some text which both link to the cover image. From looking at other magaiznes this is a very popular thing to so I have incorporated this into my own contents page.

This is the first draft of my contents page & preliminary task, and after more thourough research I have found that many improvements could be made to it. They are as follows:

· A more professional and clear heading
· A message from the editor could be added
· More colour could be used
· More effects could be used to manipulate the images and graphic features
· Fonts could be more varied and experimented with.

These are some of the improvements that I have come up with that could make my contents page look more professional, and I will be considering these when making the contents page for my music magazine.

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Thank You for taking the time to comment on my work. It's very useful to me so again, thanks.
