Tuesday 16 December 2008

Planning My Music Magazine

The target audience for my magazine are young people aged 15-21. I have chosen this group of people as my target audience because I think they will be attracted and interested in the type of music that my magazine promotes. People at these ages are usually interested in the popular music of the moment and the magazine I will creating will be based on this type of music. I have not targeted a specific audience in terms of gender but I do believe that more females will buy the magazine, and I will be exploring this further in my research in the form of a questionnaire.

My magazine will be about the popular music of the time and will be mainly pop and R&B/Hip Hop based. This may limit the amount of audience that I can attract to my magazine because it excludes other genres such as rock, dance music etc. Although this may be the case because pop and R&B/Hip Hop are hugely popular amongst these ages of people I will still be able to attract a good amount of readers to the magazine.

My magazine will be available for purchase every fortnight. I have chosen to do this because I believe that this would be best for a magazine of this nature. This is because if it were to be released weekly there might not be enough material to be put into the magazine. I have also taken into consideration the fact that the opposite could occur where a high profile musical event were to happen and the magazine could miss out on covering the story because it was not due to come out yet. That is why I have decided to create a website to update readers on all the latest events and stories from the music industry.

My magazine will cost £2.00 and I have thought very carefully when deciding upon this price. I have chosen to price the magazine at this because of my target audience. They will not be able to afford a magazine that was say, £5.00 this is due to the fact that they might not yet have jobs. Also because of the fact that many people at this age are still students in full time education and cant afford to buy a highly priced fortnightly magazine.

My magazine will not be a glossy and will be similar to NME more like a newspaper. This is because glossy magazines are more expensive and making the magazine more similar to a newspaper would be cheaper to produce and bring costs down and in turn it will allow the magazine to be cheaper for readers.


Thank You for taking the time to comment on my work. It's very useful to me so again, thanks.
