Tuesday 16 December 2008

Research - Analysing Double Page Spreads [Video Presentation & 3 Textual Analysis]

Q Magazine

The language in this article is very well planned and through. Although it is not as complex and sophisticated as “Kerrang”, it still has a sense of being well put together. Also this adds a feeling of being laid back and not to fussy, the use of sub-headings adds to this.

The colours on the page fit well together and are all very much coherent. This adds a sense of order & structure to the page. On the page there is a mixture of bold text and plain text. This also adds to the idea of structure and clearly “heads” each section.

A lot of the space is taken up by the images and the effect of this is to attract readers, to visually draw them in. The two large images on the page, sub-headings & quotes, all of which readers can start reading from. They do not need to necessarily being reading from the beginning of the article etc. This use of multiple points of entry make readers feel as if they are in control.

Kerrang Magazine

The language use in the article is quite mature, intelligently written and it is obvious that a lot of thought has been put into it. They refer to the New York Times in the article, which gives the impression that they want a certain type of audience, people who are interested in texts such as the New York Times, which has a more developed readership. It also assumes that the readers have a prior knowledge of the music industry by stating:

“According to an internal cost analysis from the period, quoted in the New York Times the toll for recording around the period of 2002 amounted to a dizzying $244,000(£32,000) per month.”

Another feature of the spread is the colour & colour scheme. The colours on this page do not fit together very well. They are all sort of mismatched and I think this is very ineffective. The style of the text is not particularly adventurous at all. The text is plain with random hints of bold text. This gives the article visually, a melancholic tone as readers might feel that it would be too much work to read the article, as it is very unadorned and extensive.

There are numerous images on the page to attract reader’s attention, but the text is still sufficient but in my opinion it is not effective. I also do not think that this article makes valuable use of multiple point of entry. There is none in the text and the only the images.

The Artist featured in the article consists of two Caucasian males and they seem to be a far cry from the typical young white males of the mainstream bands today. They look well over middle aged and their appearances are quite ragged and scruffy. By the magazine choosing to feature this band in the article it shows that they are appealing to a more mature audience. It gives us as readers the impression that the readership of the magazine is of an older generation and this is who the article is targeted towards.

The article sticks to three main colours and has quite a simple colour scheme but it is still very effective. The band has been edited to be in black and white. This is very ironic because of their age. As I mentioned earlier they do not fir into the usual boy band category that we have today and their age is a big contributor to this. The fact that the picture is in black and white could be a way of highlighting the fact that they are quite old and a way in which to celebrate this very fact.
The background is colourless which may have been done because they want the main focus to be on the band. The Lime green colour used on the page is also very dominant and adds an edge to the black and white colour of everything else. It livens up the page and helps to attract readers into taking greater interest in the band and the article.

The style of text used on the page is not anything too dramatic or unique. It is quite simple and plain. The text is in one colour, which is black and regular font is used. Even though this all may seem rather dull, in the article, it works. It fits with the rest of the page and is still appealing even though no colour change or varied fonts are used. The font used is similar to the fonts on the other pages and this shows that the magazine wants to familiarise readers with this particular style and make them feel comfortable with it. It also shows that the magazine and its readership are not very concerned with what some might call necessities such as extravagant fonts and text etc. They appear to be laid back and more concerned with what the band have to say.

In this double page spread all the text is placed on he right hand side in columns, with the artists in an image on the right. This image takes up just over half of the double page but the text is still a good amount. When looking this page I get the impression that the audience value the image more than the text. This is because of the fact that the image takes up the most space and it is evident that a lot of thought has been put into the creation of the image.

The tone of the magazine is quite a tricky topic. On one hand it could be said that the band are quite welcoming in their manner. This is because of the fact that they are addressing readers with a direct mode of address, and one of them is smiling. This is also backed up because of the fact that they are leaning towards the audience, maybe initiating the audience to look into or join them. However, it could again be argued that the tone is quite cautious, as they look like they are guarding themselves. The second band member in particular who is in black, with his arms folded and wearing black sunglasses. This could be interpreted as them shielding themselves or addressing readers as part of their “in crowd”.

Video Analysis

1 comment:

Thank You for taking the time to comment on my work. It's very useful to me so again, thanks.
