Saturday 13 December 2008

Research – Analysing contents pages (Kerrang Magazine)

The magazine uses many images on the contents page. It uses a wide range of these images to make the contents page look more attractive, but have also been constructed to give more information to readers about the featured artists and musicians in the magazine. In addition it gives readers an idea of the content of the rest of the magazine, the style and how it will be laid out. This supports the initial findings I had of the magazine from my analysis of the front cover. I found that it uses specific images to represent a story or piece of content and the images in the magazine are mostly made up of male bands.

The colours used are quite plain and simple, Black, yellow and white. The fonts used are also quite basic and no particular fonts have been selected to highlight a certain area of text. The colours and fonts on each page of the magazine are very consistent and these shows, that all the information on the page are equally valuable and nothing really stands out. There are subtle changes in font size but nothing drastic on the page. This also goes along with the style of the cover which is quite orderly and structured.

The information the page is very orderly. The content of the magazine is arranged in neat rows on the right hand side with clear headings. Also the images on the page are very organised and it is clear to understand and find things. This is very good as it helps readers to see and find everything clearly. This again shows how neat and orderly the magazine is even though they are trying to portray themselves as a crazy “rock and roll” magazine.

There are promotional features on the page which can be found on the bottom right hand corner. It is promoting a subscription to the magazine and it states the price and the amount of issues you will receive. The colour red is used in this part of the magazine to make it stand out and grab the reader’s attention.

The magazines logo can be found in several images on the contents page. However, they are not dominant and are not written in any particular font.

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