Tuesday 16 December 2008

Questionnaire & Results

While planning my music magazine I decided to create a questionnaire. (Below)

I gave this questionnaire to people aged 15-21 to decide whether my original theories about my target audience were correct. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions to help me gain valuable information about what my target liked about magazines and what attracted them to it. And below are my findings.


Whilst planning my magazine I said that more females are likely to buy the magazine. The results from my magazine show that more males took the questionnaire but still my theory was proven wrong as both male and females will be willing to buy the magazine.

I decided to ask this question seeing as my magazine is pop and R n B/ Hip Hop based and the feedback I got was very encouraging. 70% of the people that completed the questionnaire said that they would buy a magazine of this nature so I have decided to keep this as the base of the magazine as the results were positive.

I was planning to make the magazine £2.00 and from my findings I have come to the conclusion that this price is a reasonable price to pay, so I will be keeping it at this price. It was almost an even spread in the results but I have decided this price because up to £1.00 is not enough to cover printing and distribution costs. Also I do not believe that most of my target audience will be willing to pay up to £3.00 even though the results say different.

I had an idea of the things that I would like to include in my magazine but I wanted to get a clearer idea of what exact things my target audience liked and preferred. From the results I have gathered that the most important thing to include in my magazine is interviews which scored the highest amongst the other categories. I will definitely have interviews in every issue of my magazine and I will be incorporating all the categories such as music reviews, posters and competitions into my magazine.

I have already decided upon a genre for my magazine which will be a mixture of pop n R n B/ Hip Hop, but I still decided to ask this question just to gather as much information as possible before making my magazine. The results showed that R n B and Hip Hop were the most popular genre amongst my target audience. The results were very encouraging seeing as this genre will be in my magazine and my initial theories were proven correct.

I had not decided whether to include up and coming artists in my magazine but from the outstanding results I will be definitely be featuring these type of artists in my magazine.

I planned on making my magazine available every fortnight and from the results I will not be changing this. 50% of the people that filled out the questionnaire said they preferred.

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Thank You for taking the time to comment on my work. It's very useful to me so again, thanks.
